
  • 3 easy steps to writing heartfelt wedding thank you notes

    Modern calligraphy monogrammed stationery for wedding - 3 steps to writing wedding thank you notes - Leah E. Moss Designs

    Growing up, my parents never set a time requirement for thank you note writing after a birthday – they left it up to me. I could take as long as I wanted to write my thank you notes, but I couldn’t use the item until the thank you note had been written. The sneaky little rule was *brilliant*, now that I look back on it. Obviously, like any other kid, I wanted to use the fun stuff, so I wrote my thank you notes right away! Fast forward to my thirties, and I’m still someone who sends a handwritten note for just about everything. My take on it is that if someone went out of her way to do something nice for you, a note of gratitude is always appropriate. Writing your wedding thank you notes is commonly viewed as a chore. Being gracious shouldn’t be a pain; remind yourself how thankful you are for your loved ones’ thoughtfulness and generosity! (more…)

  • The secret’s out – my favorite meaningful gift I’ve ever created

    Gold text 50 reasons why I love you - My favorite meaningful gift I've ever created in calligraphy - Leah E. Moss DesignsI know, I know… as an artist, you’re not supposed to pick favorites from the client commissions you’ve been hired to complete. Same with teachers who aren’t supposed to choose their favorite students, or designers who aren’t supposed to have a favorite item from the newest collection. You’re supposed to love them all. But, here’s the secret – *whispers* ahem, we all pick a favorite. So, the secret’s out. Oops. In this blog, I’m describing my favorite meaningful gift I’ve ever created, why I loved working on it, and tips for creating something equally special for someone you love. Read on, but keep the secret to yourself, mmk? (more…)

  • Gifts to raise someone’s spirits and help with PPE for Detroit Receiving Hospital

    Gifts to raise someone's spirits and help with PPE for a hospital - Leah E. Moss Designs

    This spring, so many special occasions are still happening, but due to COVID-19, we won’t be able to share in those celebrations together. Mother’s Day is still Mother’s Day, but you won’t get to bring fresh flowers to your mom at brunch. Your senior is still graduating – and you’re still so proud of her, even though you won’t get to cheer for her from the nosebleeds at graduation. Easter or Passover will still be observed as part of your spiritual tradition, but we won’t be gathered with our extended families for generations-shared past times. And, and, and… I’m just as bummed as everyone else. Right now, personal and meaningful heirlooms seem like great gifts to raise someone’s spirits. We could all use a boost!


  • How I use a weekly planner for tasks, meals, content, and habits

    Weekly planner tear-off notepad with watercolor flowers, habit tracking, daily agenda, goal setting - Leah E. Moss Designs

    There are so many planning tools out there that it can be overwhelming to figure out a system that works. To be clear, I use a variety of tools to keep myself organized for my business and in my personal life. My weekly planner pad brings those elements together for what needs to happen, one day at a time.


  • 5 Meaningful Graduation Gift Ideas

    Image result for graduation cap and gown toss

    Now that spring is (finally) upon us, we all have a special graduate to celebrate this season! Honoring someone’s achievements is always a fun thing, but meaningful graduation gift ideas are sometimes hard to come by. Here are my suggestions, and congratulations to anyone in a cap and gown this year!
