
  • 3 easy steps to writing heartfelt wedding thank you notes

    Modern calligraphy monogrammed stationery for wedding - 3 steps to writing wedding thank you notes - Leah E. Moss Designs

    Growing up, my parents never set a time requirement for thank you note writing after a birthday – they left it up to me. I could take as long as I wanted to write my thank you notes, but I couldn’t use the item until the thank you note had been written. The sneaky little rule was *brilliant*, now that I look back on it. Obviously, like any other kid, I wanted to use the fun stuff, so I wrote my thank you notes right away! Fast forward to my thirties, and I’m still someone who sends a handwritten note for just about everything. My take on it is that if someone went out of her way to do something nice for you, a note of gratitude is always appropriate. Writing your wedding thank you notes is commonly viewed as a chore. Being gracious shouldn’t be a pain; remind yourself how thankful you are for your loved ones’ thoughtfulness and generosity! (more…)