Mother’s Day is this weekend, and it will look different than any other year’s celebration. Our usual “plant sale and meal together” combo isn’t happening, and I’m sure your family tradition is also getting adjusted. Leading up to this, I had planned to write a post honoring our moms and outlining ways they can be invaluable during the wedding planning process. However, I realize planning weddings looks vastly different right now, too. With that in mind, this blog will outline how mom can help with wedding planning, even in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Your mom is a powerful lady who loves you a lot – use her strengths as an asset, now more than ever! Chances are good she’ll be honored to be on board to help in any way she can.

The Dress
Normally, this is THE part where you’d want to have mom’s input, even if she’s more hands-off during your planning process. Going shopping, helping at fittings, and choosing accessories for your bridal look is a big part of your day, and it’s a special bonding time between you and your mom.
Right now, we’re obviously not shopping for anything in person other than groceries, but there are still ways to figure out how mom can help with wedding planning in terms of your ensemble.
Video chat about your attire thoughts: it’s helpful to chat through what you’re thinking stylistically, with what you envision yourself wearing. Of course, when you’re able to go to a fitting, these ideas don’t always hold true, but it’s a good idea to have a sense of what you’re drawn to. Do you want something modern, to fit with your contemporary vibe for the big day? Are you thinking something classic and simple? Sultry and romantic? Lots of details, like lace or beading? Gabbing with mom will help brainstorm – and get you excited for the fitting to come! Plus, it’s fun… and we can all use a little of that, right about now.
Shop online together for accessories: look for shoes and jewelry you’d want to pair with your gown. You can do this with mom, from the comfort of each of your quarantined couches! Even better? Buy these items from local retailers – they could use your help.
(Maybe) schedule a virtual visit: Some bridal salons are offering virtual consultations, so check with your local vendors. Group Zoom call, anybody?
Using these strategies, you’ll be well prepared when you’re able to do the biggest attire part in person.

Assembling Invitations
As someone who helps clients do this, assembling invitations isn’t rocket science – but it’s tedious and takes a lot of time. Like, a lot. My mom was such a champ with our own suite, cutting and tying ribbon for the 154 sets of invitations we mailed out. She wasn’t even that snarky when I had commentary about her bow-tying (I totally deserved some snark, duh).
If you’ve postponed and aren’t mailing your invitations, mom can help with wedding planning here by assisting with the assembly of your postponement announcement cards. Maybe it just feels a little too raw for you to stuff and stamp those envelopes yourself. Girl, I feel you. Call mom for a vent sesh, and then ask her to help!

Guest wrangling and management
Have you ever heard the expression that if you need something answered about a wedding, call anybody except the bride?! Yeah, this has never been more true. Chances are good that right now, your guests have more than just typical questions about food, why they can’t bring their kids, or shuttle times. I’m sure there are also questions about events happening or being postponed, what you’re doing in light of this, and on and on. It’s all too much for you as a couple to have to field yourselves. Bring in the big guns and ask your mom to wrangle these concerns on your behalf. Put her in charge of communication management. Now to just get her one of those earpieces like J-Lo from the movies. Or not.

Moral Support
Even under normal circumstances, wedding planning can be stressful. Having mom as some moral support is always helpful! Now, trying to plan a largescale event in such an uncertain moment requires an added dose of this emotional help. I’d say that’s the best tool of how mom can help with wedding planning in this season. Call her for a good cry. Ask her to tell you something to cheer you up. Get her advice on something totally-non-wedding-related, just to get your mind off things. She brought you into this world and loves you a lot – she’ll be happy to help make sure you’re feeling as best as possible during this time.

So there you have it – my top four ways how mom can help with wedding planning – normally, or in the midst of a global pandemic. I’m so lucky to be the daughter of such a kind, considerate, smart, and interesting mama. Happy Mother’s Day, mom! And to all the other moms out there, thanks for all you do, today and always.