• Tips for reception invitation wording after a private wedding in 2020

    postponement announcement with same love new date - reception invitation wording after a private wedding in 2020 - Leah E. Moss Designs

    So, we all know that 2020 has been the year of the postponed wedding. Couples navigating this pandemic have been faced with tremendous hurdles, and it’s been amazing seeing the individuality shine through with each couple’s answer to the inevitable “what the heck do we do now” question. For some, a complete postponement has been in order – and that’s amazing. I know your day will be worth the wait! Other couples want to get married now and are opting to make things official privately this year and postpone their larger celebration until next year – for lots of reasons, this is my personal vote! But this begs the question… what does this mean for your reception invitation wording after a private wedding?


  • Wedding Stationery Checklist

    Ceremony program, table number, escort card, cocktail napkin, invitation suite all coordinated - Wedding stationery checklist - Leah E. Moss Designs - photo by Blaine Siesser

    When most people think of wedding stationery, the first item that comes to mind is the invitation. And that makes sense – usually, the invitation suite is the star of the stationery show! But, the invitation isn’t the full picture. In fact, it’s only one piece of a much bigger puzzle. Working with a stationer allows you to have cohesion from your save the dates all the way through to thank you notes. Plus, having one vendor for all of these items saves the headache of cobbling it together (and hoping it sort of matches) from multiple sources. Let’s dive into this wedding stationery checklist from start to finish!


  • Get organized without cleaning out a closet

    I’m excited to announce a new product line of items to help you get organized, but because it’s a departure from my core business offering, I felt like it deserved an explanation as to why this type of pivot.

    I’ve always been a nerd about planning – I’m “super Type A,” if that’s a thing. But over the years, I’ve honed some processes for getting organized and being more productive at home, without having to clean out another closet. These systems emerged after having problems in different parts of our life at home that needed fixing. By tackling the root problems with an ongoing system, these solutions were actual fixes – not just a Band-Aid closet or pantry purge.

    In this blog, I’ll explain the frustrations we had in each area in our house, and how this system has improved each situation.


  • 4 inspiring takeaways from business owners’ pivot strategy

    4 inspiring takeaways about pivot strategy - Leah E. Moss Designs

    With weddings, events, workshops, and art fairs getting postponed/canceled left and right, the paper community of vendors has had to be nimble and figure out ways to navigate this pandemic. When the stay-at-home order first came into play, I wasn’t sure what to do – I had to sit with the uncertainty for a bit. I’m in the process of developing something now as part of a pivot strategy, but these women sprang into action early on and came up with amazing changes to their business. They’ve each inspired me in their own way, and I can only hope that what I have up my sleeve is as helpful to and warmly received by the community as theirs have been. Without further ado, let’s dive in!


  • 3 Types of Wedding Invitations Postage

    Vintage postage, Spencerian calligraphy, gold ink calligraphy, charcoal envelope - 3 types of wedding invitations postage - Leah E. Moss Designs

    When we were newly engaged, my grandparents took me and Adam out for a congratulatory dinner and surprised us with a gift. We opened a beautiful silver and crystal serving set, designed for a decanting bottle of wine and four glasses, all on a tray. It’s an heirloom piece that was theirs as newlyweds. It sits in our display case in the dining room, and it hearkens back to a time long ago – I love it every time I walk by. I think the exact same way about postage – there’s something deeply nostalgic about stamps. I can’t be the only one who thinks this (uhhh tell me I’m not alone, please!). But at any rate, stamps are the final important detail to consider with your stationery; you’ve got options for your wedding invitations postage. If you’re not working with a custom stationery designer to help you with this step, I’ve explained each category here in this blog.


  • Christina and Tristan | Preppy Spring Wedding at Zingerman’s Cornman Farms

    Bride and groom under large tree - Preppy spring wedding at Zingerman's Cornman Farms - Leah E. Moss Designs - photo by Katie Grace Photography

    When Christina first reached out about helping with stationery for their upcoming preppy spring wedding, she mentioned she wanted to keep the focus on their love, the natural beauty of the property where they’d say “I do,” and their two golden retrievers. Needless to say, I knew she’d be a dream bride! Hint, I was right. Fast forward and today is their one-year wedding anniversary. Congratulations to Christina and Tristan! Let’s celebrate their milestone by walking down memory lane and taking a look at their beautiful day, captured by Katie Grace Photography.


  • How mom can help with wedding planning – Happy Mother’s Day!

    Bride and mom, buttoning her wedding dress - How mom can help with wedding planning - Leah E. Moss Designs, photo by Casey Brodley
    Photo: Casey Brodley

    Mother’s Day is this weekend, and it will look different than any other year’s celebration. Our usual “plant sale and meal together” combo isn’t happening, and I’m sure your family tradition is also getting adjusted. Leading up to this, I had planned to write a post honoring our moms and outlining ways they can be invaluable during the wedding planning process. However, I realize planning weddings looks vastly different right now, too. With that in mind, this blog will outline how mom can help with wedding planning, even in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Your mom is a powerful lady who loves you a lot – use her strengths as an asset, now more than ever! Chances are good she’ll be honored to be on board to help in any way she can.


  • 3 easy steps to writing heartfelt wedding thank you notes

    Modern calligraphy monogrammed stationery for wedding - 3 steps to writing wedding thank you notes - Leah E. Moss Designs

    Growing up, my parents never set a time requirement for thank you note writing after a birthday – they left it up to me. I could take as long as I wanted to write my thank you notes, but I couldn’t use the item until the thank you note had been written. The sneaky little rule was *brilliant*, now that I look back on it. Obviously, like any other kid, I wanted to use the fun stuff, so I wrote my thank you notes right away! Fast forward to my thirties, and I’m still someone who sends a handwritten note for just about everything. My take on it is that if someone went out of her way to do something nice for you, a note of gratitude is always appropriate. Writing your wedding thank you notes is commonly viewed as a chore. Being gracious shouldn’t be a pain; remind yourself how thankful you are for your loved ones’ thoughtfulness and generosity! (more…)

  • Get my room-by-room tips on how to display art in your house

    Me, every time we travel and pop into an art gallery: “Oh my gosh I love this! How amazing would this look at home?!” My husband, every time: “Where could we even put it?” Ahem. Buying art is an investment, and it’s something you should do with a thoughtful plan in mind. Aside from how to take good care of it and frame it properly, the biggest question I get asked by my commission clients is how to display art in your house. Now that we’re spending more time than ever in our homes, it’s a perfect opportunity to think about how you’ve decorated the “four walls.” (more…)

  • The secret’s out – my favorite meaningful gift I’ve ever created

    Gold text 50 reasons why I love you - My favorite meaningful gift I've ever created in calligraphy - Leah E. Moss DesignsI know, I know… as an artist, you’re not supposed to pick favorites from the client commissions you’ve been hired to complete. Same with teachers who aren’t supposed to choose their favorite students, or designers who aren’t supposed to have a favorite item from the newest collection. You’re supposed to love them all. But, here’s the secret – *whispers* ahem, we all pick a favorite. So, the secret’s out. Oops. In this blog, I’m describing my favorite meaningful gift I’ve ever created, why I loved working on it, and tips for creating something equally special for someone you love. Read on, but keep the secret to yourself, mmk? (more…)